Net Draw - Gnome Net Mapper Logo


First release
    cincin - 2003-03-12 17:41   -   Gnome Net Mapper
Today is the great day.
After 3 hours of gnome compilation finally I managed to run the first release.
It opens a window and even closes it.
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Net Mapper Project started
    cincin - 2003-02-25 14:05   -   Gnome Net Mapper
I have just started the planning phase. The shape of NetDraw will be set until the end of this week.
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Tracker Tracker

 - Bugs ( 0 open / 0 total )
Bug Tracking System

 - Feature Requests ( 1 open / 1 total )
Feature Request Tracking System

Screenshots Screenshots
CVS CVS Tree ( 18 commits, 97 adds ) known bug
FTP Released Files


First alpha version. Onlu UI and GnomeCanvas.